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Are you freezing?

Decide what you want, believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, believe it is possible for you.

Is it cold where you are? Do you feel the chill of the winter air, or do you just feel a chill from deep within? Are there old scars built up around your heart and soul that feel as impenetrable as a solid wall of ice? If so, it’s time to crush that coldness, melt that ice, and set yourself free.I’m excited about an event this December that will help you do just that, and I think you will be excited about it too. It’s called #ColdCrush and its hosted by Dr. Jeanine Staples of The Supreme Love Project.

I bet you know at least 2 women who desperately need this.) I’ll be joining several other experts to bring you access to our cumulative knowledge base and methods for healing emotionally from the inside out.

We will be sharing what you need to know about releasing the barriers that have been built up around your heart and soul, and teaching you how to unleash that strong feminine power that is lying dormant under a layer of protective ice. Here’s the truth: Many women feel detached from their souls.

Many feel ashamed of their thoughts and emotions. Many have no idea how to understand their souls, calm their souls, read the messages of their souls, heal their souls, or feel comfortable and truly, sincerely, at ease with their thoughts and emotions. And this time of year, there are so many women who feel really blue about the holidays and block themselves off from family, friends, relatives, and the possibility of new love.


When this detachment happens, women can become socially distant, emotionally vacant, and mentally unstable, in addition to being chronically sad, angry, nervous, worrisome, fragile, and foggy… and not know why. This is a problem for many reasons, but mainly because the soul is a primary source of intimacy, connection, presence, and performance. It is through the soul that we get to say a lot about who we are, what we like and don’t like, what makes us special and unique, and how we show up and connect with others in the world.

When we don’t have healthy, conscious relationships with our thoughts and emotions, it’s very difficult to have healthy, conscious relationships with anyone else. This event is about melting…It’s about learning how to smooth out the barriers, blocks, and resistances we build against social and emotional intimacy. It’s about melting the iciness in our souls. I want to promote knowledge, comfortability, and language to communicate important ideas about these hot topics with wisdom, compassion, and sensitivity.In this summit, I’m talking with Dr. Jeanine Staples about doing exactly that: Overcoming obstacles, taring down barriers, and living life freely outside of my comfort zone.

Jeanine has built a panel of experts that are passionate about helping women reclaim their emotions, their souls, their ability to love fully, their ability to be intimate in every way possible, not just in a romantic relationship, but in ANY relationship.

Please join us for this FREE online event. Register now, and mark your calendar. The broadcast begins December 5th. Just click this link to register: YES I intend to listen in, too, and I’ll go to the Supreme Love Project closed Facebook group where we can continue the conversations after the interviews. I look forward to connecting with you as you crush the cold in your soul and launch a revolution in your life. Register here: <> See you there, P.S. Please invite your friends to join us! Every woman, no matter how together she seems to be, can learn and grow from the topics in this incredible event.

Reserve your FREE ticket TODAY!

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