New book Release! So What? releasing December 2021!
The power of positive thinking and creating the life you want on your terms. Learn to live a life of purpose by your core beliefs and values. Develop the power to reach your goals. Believe in yourself in everything you do. Motivate your life and let your past go. Gain control over your circumstances and pursue your dreams with fervor. Learn how Theresa found her purpose through her pain and developed a purposed filled life by allowing God to manifest her gift in making a meaningful difference in other people lives. Theresa’s book will teach you how to overcome obstacles, see and think of yourself as a leader, learn how to tap into your creative potential, achieve balance, reduce financial worries, learn how to live and not just exist, overcome fear, build the business of your dreams, assume control over your circumstances, use your past to excel to a new dimension of success and improve your personal and professional relationships. Become the new you today.
Success Doesn't Sleep...
Success Doesn’t Sleep –One Woman’s Plan To Beat The Odds
Theresa’s book is a first-person account of how one woman was faced with many odds, including spousal domestic violence, and how she methodically rebuilt her life, one piece at a time. Current statistics are used to give weight to the scope of this horrific issue, which often diminishes women’s confidence, demeans them, controls them and hinders them from breaking free and building a fulfilling life. Readers will witness Theresa’s courage; but more importantly, they will ‘see themselves’ doing the same and changing their own lives too.
The story gives readers a glimpse into the real-life situations, questions and concerns facing women today. Readers will identify with Theresa and her candid story and they will become empowered as they read how she made the decision to change her circumstances, by taking charge of her life; but she took it once step further and became a successful entrepreneur. Her coaching business, while her mainstay and livelihood, is also the way she chooses to help others to improve their own lives, both personal and professional, for the better.